Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to share today two resources that I make available to parents to help with the dreaded math facts :) First off is Xtra Math. If you go to Xtra Math as a parent or a teacher, it is a very valuable resource. As a teacher, you simply log in and sign up all of your students. All you are giving out is their first name and then you print a sheet that is sent home for the parents. They can choose to sign up their child at home, but regardless you can use it in your classroom. It only takes 5-10 minutest to complete and gives feedback to both the parents and teacher to the child's progress. The website is very user friendly. I receive weekly emails that tell me who has done it and how they are improving. All the children start out with addition and move to subtraction once they pass addition. It's great way to incorporate flash cards into practicing those math facts.
Make sure to check out the Xtra Math Website.
Secondly, I want to talk about the app Math Fact Master. I currently have it on my Iphone and I use it will all my tutoring kids. The app does cost $0.99, but it is completely worth it. I recommend it because it allows you to select what your child needs to work on. You also can choose to do just flash cards or a challenge portion where they have to type in the answer. At the end of the session, you can email the results to yourself or the teacher to see your child's progress. It's great because if you know your child struggles with adding numbers +6, +7, +8, you can choose to just focus on those. Check it out!!
Overall, I feel like these are two great resources for you to offer to your students. Enjoy your day!
Love the math fact master app! Works great for third grade too! :)